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What's the Best Training Program to Get the Results You Desire?
Kettlebell Workout

If you spend 5 minutes on the internet and search "How to lose body fat?" or "How to build muscle?"  you will get a million different opinions and million different methods.  There are so many ads and articles featuring people who look fit and healthy toting their method as "the best way to get toned and ripped"  or "the best method to get a six pack" that it can feel like information Overload.  For someone who has a fitness goal in mind but doesn't doesn't know where to start, or for someone who's tried every fitness and nutrition fad on the market but still hasn't seen results, the solutio is actually quite simple...STICK TO THE BASICS!


Surprisingly the most effect way to build a great body doesn't come in the form of a 20 minute H.I.I.T workout, or some new piece of fad equipment that guarantees you to lose 30 lbs in 30 days.  If you want to know the secret...READ ON. 




Why Train with Evolve Fitness?
Your Training Program
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Throughout our day we use fundamental movement patterns  to go through our every day tasks.   When we get  up from a chair we Squat. When we open a door we Pull or Push.  When we walk up a hill or up stairs we Lunge.  These are all examples of natural movement patterns that we not only use in every day life, but are also the foundation movements for  the  most effective exercises, whatever your goals are.  These are called Compound Movements because they use more than one joint and several muscles at the same time.  When it comes down to calorie burn or muscle activation, thy're the biggest bang for your buck!


 Compound Exercises have been proven scientifically to not only be the the most effective way to build muscle and get stronger, but it's also the best way to ignite your metabolism, and a health metabolism equals fat burn!

At Evolve Fitness we focus on these foundation movements as the basis for  our style of training.  It has been proven time and time again to be the most effective for our clients goals, but also the easiest to learn because they mimic movements we already do naturally!

As you practice and master basic fundamental movements, we will progress to more advanced variations of each exercise and continue to challenge you with additional movement patterns, isolated movements and specific exercises that directly cater to your specific goals, (example: loaded hip thrusts for glute development).  As your body progresses and changes so does your training program.  

What about Cardio?

Along with a solid Resistance Training program, we need to include an effective Cardio program because having a strong Heart and Lungs goes hand in hand with having strong, toned muscles.  This is where you have a bit of flexibility because not everyone enjoys running on an treadmill for 30 minutes at a time.   Whether you choose to do a brisk walk outdoors with the dog, a circuit of body weight exercises for a set duration of time, or you're happy to put on your headphones, start your favorite playlist and hit the stair mill for 30 minutes the result will be the same. As long as you're working hard and keeping your heart rate elevated in a specific zone your heart and  lungs will get stronger, your cardio will improve and you will increase your ability to burn body fat!


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What's the Best Diet for My Goals?

This is a question we get asked A Lot!  Ketogenic? Intermittent Fasting?  High Protein/Low Carb?  Carb Cycling?  IIFYM (if it fits your macros)? Clean Eating? The list could go on and on and on!  The simple answer *drum roll*....the one you can stick to but will  still get you the results you desire.  Quite simply, no diet will work if you can't adhere to it in the long term.  This doesn't say mean that you can't use any of the diet fads or that they won't get you a desired result, but if you're losing your mind due to all the calorie number crunching, you're constantly miserable because you feel restricted, or if you just keep "cheating" and beating yourself up over diet will be effective regardless of how effective it may seem.  Rather than focus on micromanaging every morsel of food that enters your body, looking at the big picture of our nutrition, learning some basic knowledge of what good nutrition is, and developing our eating time as a time of mindfulness and enjoyment is what is what a good sustainable nutrition plan is all about.

Our Approach to Nutrition Plannning
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Regardless of what your goals are or what your nutrition looks like now, at Evolve Fitness we have a simple, effective, flexible approach to improving your nutritional habits that will help you reach your goals without the restriction of a conventional Meal Plan.   Following  a regimented meal plan can get you results, but is it sustainable?  


We Believe in providing the Macro-nutrient calculations  (calories: protein, carbohydrates, fats) that will help you achieve your goals but with the flexibility to include the foods you enjoy eating. We'll also educate you on the the right kinds of foods that will not only provide you proper nourishment but will also fuel your body for your specific goals.   As mentioned before, a nutrition plan is only effective if you can stick to it so let's aim for lasting change for long term gains!

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